Drunk Driving Accident Survivor Scholarship
The Jones Firm
Law Scholarship
We strive to be the most caring and compassionate
personal injury law firm in Ohio.
The Jones Firm is happy to announce that we will provide financial support in the amount of $1,000 for one college student for the 2022 school year.
Attorney Geoff Jones knows what it is like to experience loss from a drunk driving accident. His mother, Judy, was killed by a drunk driver in a fatal car crash in 2008. In honor of his mother, he helps others who have experienced injury or loss stemming from drunk driving accidents.
To that end, The Jones Firm will be supporting one survivor for 2022.
Students have until August 1, 2021 to apply using the form on this page. Applicants must include an essay on the topic indicated below.
How to apply
The Jones Firm will only consider applications submitted using the form on this page. Applicants must fill out each required field and must attach their unofficial transcript as well as their essay in PDF format. Applicants must also type their full name at the bottom of the application to serve as their electronic signature.
Selection Process
Submission deadline is August 1, 2021.